TN Update

On the whole much improved, still suffering with the side effects of sickness & nausea, headaches, dizzyness, exhausted and just fall asleep, or being in cuckoo land. All these side effects have been experienced in the past few days, but they are completely random and any one of the could be the result of taking the next tablet!

I am still on 400mg -day, one tablet every 6 hours. I still have a little numbness, discomfort in my jaw/face, but more of an ache, compared to the pain I was in this is nothing, although sometimes a bit tiring and I can get fed up with it, but I see it as my indicator that I am not 100% pain free, and therefore I will know when the tablets can be reduced.

When I went on the tablets the Dr explained that I would up the dose until pain free and then lower the dose until just starting to get pain, so I think I am in the right place. This morning, I have only just taken my tablet, I missed it at 3am, and only took it at 6.30, more discomfort has returned with electrical shocks and almost like more painful pins and needles, just waiting for the tablet to kick in properly. Dr. also gave me some anti sick pills, but o reading thi morning tht it could make me drowsy, I have a busy morning ahead of School run, our shopping and mums shopping and then early pick up as Stevie finishes school for Christmas.

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